May The Lord bless us all, as he catches us when we fall


Before the beginning there was the Lord, for this is as far as we can see. There was a harmony in heaven and all are blessed. The Lord gives out talents to his angels, each to his own measure. One grew greatly with the talents given, the one with the most of the whole Kingdom. He perfected these many talents and was a master of them. He was the finest of all the angels, his name was Lucifer, the bull.


The other angels spoke to him saying, “You are a most beautiful being”, “It is You with the most talents of all the Kingdom”, “You are an amazing creature”. Over time Lucifer replies, “Yes, Yes I Am”.

Lucifer starts to dwell on his own reflection, from the admiration of the other angels. This is a new ‘something’ within the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes the Lord is aware of it, He sees it and watches Lucifer to understand it. Lucifer begins to become self serving. Arrogates takes seed.


He rallies his admires, with his dancing, his beauty, and his glow. The numbers are countless, and they rise too one third of the Kingdom. The Lord is subtle, ever watching. For He, The LORD, has no need to prove anything.

As Lucifer looks over this vast congregation of followers, all looking at him. He feels a power of command. Now he shouts from his conceded, self serving, arrogates “No one is Greater than me”.


The Lord is all love, and loves Lucifer. The Lord knows this blindness of Lucifer is the product of his own disillusion, his own glory, his own decision. He allows him to continue among the heavenly kingdom. Forgiveness is on the Lords heart, yet he concludes that forgiveness cannot be given for he would never repent. How perplexing he has become, The Lord knows where this will go. He will challenge the power of The Lord.


The Lord, wonders how this could have came to be. Was it a flaw in creation? Lucifer was created perfect as were all the angels, and it was good. Was it because he was created piece by piece and not as a whole? Yet should have he been created as a whole his rebellion could have been worse. Was it the mold from which he was formed? This must be understood. A being must be created to resolve this dilemma and the being must be created as a whole.


The Lord knows He is the beginning, the first, and the definition of perfection. The only mold perfect enough to create a being in whole, is His own. This new being would be His child, made from his own Image. He says, I would be their Father and instruct them from youth. He knows His own image, His own child would follow His guidance, His instructions! Yet, would His own image be susceptible to this cancer? The Lord creates a plan to fully understand this question.

He forms a physical ream, a time limited environment, out of wood, hay and stubble. This ream is as vast as heaven, these are the stars and planets we know today.


For Lucifer’s rebellion against The Lord, he was given a new name, that name is Satan. He and all his followers were cast out from the presents of the Lord. This separation from the Lord disfigured them all, into horrid forms. Their disobedience had become sin.


[Isaiah 14:12-14] All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you. How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.


The Lord will always be, His eternal Holy Spirit will always be. All spiritually created beings are also eternal. The only punishment for sin is spiritual death. The Lord in his infinite grace held back his judgment and confined Satan to Earth. Within Earth The Lord creates a place one part paradise, one part carnal and the other void of all His light, utter darkness, and completely hidden from the Kingdom of Heaven. That place is called Sheol.


[Genesis 1:16] God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.


The Lord molded this Earth as a reflection of Heaven. The plants and the animals are also a reflection of Heaven, and lastly Man as a reflection of Himself. In this way the Lord can explain all things to man.

He gave earth an atmosphere filled with miles of water to protect all life from the harmful rays of its sun. Making an ocean in the sky.


[Genesis 1:7] So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.


Water blocks approximately 90% of ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the sun. This harmful UV radiation causes skin cancer and damages vegetation, among other things. One other known fact is the same amount of water that is within and on the earth today is the same amount that there has ever been.


He put his hand over part of this world, a garden called Eden. This place would be free from all decay. Countless trees were given to Man to eat of, except one in the center of the garden. He was told not to partake of this tree for it would separate him from the Lord. This would be disobedience and would make Man accessible to Satan.


He made man perfect and full of inquisitive nature, to question all that he sees. Man is given the task of naming the countless animals, as they are the reflections of heavenly beings and had a oneness with them. This allowed man to truly see them as the Lord sees them.


Today we have documented many cases of the paranormal psychic phenomena. Still yet unexplained but it is known that some human beings display additional senses. Be it the ability to see distance places, people or things. These abilities have played important roles in past US wars, and in law enforcement.


After seeing all the beings, the Lord had created he sees none like himself, which causes a loneliness to rise within him. You see God the Father has always had God the Son and they have shared the same Spirit from the beginning.

So as Man slept the Lord created Woman for Man. Immediately Man was enchanted by Woman. She was the missing part he had been seeing throughout creation. She is woman, yes another perfect creation.


Woman was created as man’s companion this was her calling. She is to be obedient to man in the same way as the Son is obedient the Father. Satan began his plight to overcome these two youthful spirits, and the woman being weaker, now holds mans allure. Woman was compelled by the beauty of the snake for it was the most beautifully creature in all the garden. Animals talked to man in the garden, it was common, from the beginning. Satan used the snake as his given ability to move through the physical world (Earth), he talks to Eve, this innocent soul.


Eve is approached many times by Satan, I can not believe she falls it the first attempt. None the less it does happen she partakes of the tree of good and evil, she is the first to disobey. It was like a drug to her, one that took her to many places. She seen nothing but beauty and could not understand why Adam had said she should not taste of this plant. I'm sure she had only tasted it once and in the years to come would explain her thoughts of it to him. Adam loves her with all that he is, Yet he is a Man and he must obey the Lord. He talks with her in great detail, of things that he has no idea the source, nor it's end. Man is in love with her. Man fails the Lord, he goes and chooses his heart over his spirit. He does not receive the same thoughts as Eve. His thoughts are enough to drive the strongest man Mad. The Lord strips away approximately 90% of his thought capability to protect him form himself.


The Garden is now closed by a burning sword. Man is now left to face nature. Nature is the Lords machine of creation. Adam now has death and decay to contend with. This death and decay is greatly reduced by the wall of water that is protecting the earth. This great reduction in aging allowed Man to live as long as 969 years.


[Genesis 5:27] Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.


The life span of all creatures before the flood was far greater than we measure it today. This lengthened life span created great beast that roamed the earth, the reptiles. It is a known by fact that reptiles never stop growing until death. These were the reptiles we call dinosaurs today.


Man can no longer talk to the animals as he could before. The Lord has lifted his hand. Adam, even with Eve and all of his children, is lonely. The fact he must learn to build a fire, is a man with a lot on his mind. Adam still talks with the Lord, yet in a difference sense. He must seek the Lord in order to find him. Sin yet again enters his house within his son Cain.


Please Note, the Bible does Not say he went to the land of Nod and found a Wife there. He only conceived a son in the land of Nod.


[Genesis 4:16-17] So Cain went out from The Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.


His children began to roam the earth. They were conceived through man, Gods own creation and so his children are also accountable unto the Lord.


An easy experiment to produce water from air is to simply place a clear lid over a bucket. Then set the bucket in a partially lit area, but not in direct sunlight. This produces due, water from air. This same experiment works in direct sunlight as well. With the exception of a clear glass compartment which is filled with water and placed on top of the bucket.

It was said to have never rained, there was no need for rain. Lakes would rise and fall in a day. Due, fresh water would form on the ground in great amounts. The Land, although unknown to the people who lived on it, was one form, one piece. North was magnetic North, and the earth rotated in perfect harmony to our solar system.

Why some Species became Extinct:


First look at man he only sees what is within his vision. Man had no idea that by killing the species that was the easiest to catch only existed were he lived. He only did so too feed his family. Noble yet he is shorting the time to his end. In this world full of hardship and pain it was easy to forget the Lord. The generations of Adam were now reduced to one Man. Noah.


Noah searched for the Lord despite the hardships around him. Noah Heard the Lord many times, yet he did not understand what the Lord was telling Him. After many heart felt meetings with the Lord, he finally understands. The Lord said Build me a boat.


[Genesis 6:14-16] So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long (137 meters), 75 feet (23 meters) wide and 45 feet (14 meters) high. Make a roof for it and finish the ark to within 18 inches (46 centimeters) of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.


Understand that a Boat was a thing completely unknown. There was no need for such a thing! Man wants to see a need in his cardinal mind in order find a reason why. Lucky for us he does build it. A true monument to engineering, Noah was not a simple man nor are any of his. He was a good woodsman, a thinker, a man well trusted, and a very good friend. He builds this huge thing to the amazement of his friends. After a time, amazement turns to foolishness, and the friends he held close now mock him. He does not stop for he has heard the Lord and the Lord has made it clear to him. It's now complete after many years. He waits as the Lord has told him. He is told all things will become clear, all too clear. Animals began to convey on the ark. Only two each creature male and female. Noah begins to fully realize what the Lord had said. In the way of reptiles only the youngest found their way to the ark. This was to be the end of the dinosaur that roamed the land.

The Sky opens up. The water which once protected all living things from the suns rays of UV radiation, is tearing apart the earth. Great oceans were created in 40 days. The force of such waves of water would pound bone into rock, then ripping the rock apart. This forces the earth to spin at a great rate. This spinning slings many animals, plants and people, along with oceans of water to the poles. The water freezes, and helps the Land to emerge. The Land is now separated, and continues for some time after the rains have stopped. Days, weeks, months, pass and still no Land. Finally land is found, and the Lord places the ark on its highest peak. Noah begins the task of rebuilding. In the early years I see great sorrow in his eyes. Although the water had wash away much of the life on the earth, many of their bones still laid on the ground, and in the trees. Bones of animals, and of Man. Man’s life span is now reduced to 120 years.


[Genesis 6:3] Then The Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."


The Earth has mass, just like every other solid object does (including you). It is the Earth's mass that causes it to have gravity. The less mass the earth has the less gravity it has. The Earth is losing 0.000000000000001%every year.


The Moon is moving farther away from the Earth, at 3.8cm per year.

If the Earth and Moon 4.51 billion years old.


3.8cm * 4.51 Billion years would make the Moon 171,380km Closer to the Earth than today.


Today the Moon's Orbit is 385,000km

If the Earth is 4.51 Billion years old

the Moon's Orbit then wouid be 213,620 km


© Copyright Midnight, Its Almost. All Rights Reserved.



May The Lord bless us all,

as he catches us when we fall


Before the beginning there was the Lord, for this is as far as we can see. There was a harmony in heaven and all are blessed. The Lord gives out talents to his angels, each to his own measure. One grew greatly with the talents given, the one with the most of the whole Kingdom. He perfected these many talents and was a master of them. He was the finest of all the angels, his name was Lucifer, the bull.


The other angels spoke to him saying, “You are a most beautiful being”, “It is You with the most talents of all the Kingdom”, “You are an amazing creature”. Over time Lucifer replies, “Yes, Yes I Am”.

Lucifer starts to dwell on his own reflection, from the admiration of the other angels. This is a new ‘something’ within the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes the Lord is aware of it, He sees it and watches Lucifer to understand it. Lucifer begins to become self serving. Arrogates takes seed.


He rallies his admires, with his dancing, his beauty, and his glow. The numbers are countless, and they rise too one third of the Kingdom. The Lord is subtle, ever watching. For He, The LORD, has no need to prove anything.

As Lucifer looks over this vast congregation of followers, all looking at him. He feels a power of command. Now he shouts from his conceded, self serving, arrogates “No one is Greater than me”.


The Lord is all love, and loves Lucifer. The Lord knows this blindness of Lucifer is the product of his own disillusion, his own glory, his own decision. He allows him to continue among the heavenly kingdom. Forgiveness is on the Lords heart, yet he concludes that forgiveness cannot be given for he would never repent. How perplexing he has become, The Lord knows where this will go. He will challenge the power of The Lord.


The Lord, wonders how this could have came to be. Was it a flaw in creation? Lucifer was created perfect as were all the angels, and it was good. Was it because he was created piece by piece and not as a whole? Yet should have he been created as a whole his rebellion could have been worse. Was it the mold from which he was formed? This must be understood. A being must be created to resolve this dilemma and the being must be created as a whole.


The Lord knows He is the beginning, the first, and the definition of perfection. The only mold perfect enough to create a being in whole, is His own. This new being would be His child, made from his own Image. He says, I would be their Father and instruct them from youth. He knows His own image, His own child would follow His guidance, His instructions! Yet, would His own image be susceptible to this cancer? The Lord creates a plan to fully understand this question.

He forms a physical ream, a time limited environment, out of wood, hay and stubble. This ream is as vast as heaven, these are the stars and planets we know today.


For Lucifer’s rebellion against The Lord, he was given a new name, that name is Satan. He and all his followers were cast out from the presents of the Lord. This separation from the Lord disfigured them all, into horrid forms. Their disobedience had become sin.


[Isaiah 14:12-14] All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you. How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.


The Lord will always be, His eternal Holy Spirit will always be. All spiritually created beings are also eternal. The only punishment for sin is spiritual death. The Lord in his infinite grace held back his judgment and confined Satan to Earth. Within Earth The Lord creates a place one part paradise, one part carnal and the other void of all His light, utter darkness, and completely hidden from the Kingdom of Heaven. That place is called Sheol.


[Genesis 1:16] God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.


The Lord molded this Earth as a reflection of Heaven. The plants and the animals are also a reflection of Heaven, and lastly Man as a reflection of Himself. In this way the Lord can explain all things to man.

He gave earth an atmosphere filled with miles of water to protect all life from the harmful rays of its sun. Making an ocean in the sky.


[Genesis 1:7] So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.


Water blocks approximately 90% of ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the sun. This harmful UV radiation causes skin cancer and damages vegetation, among other things. One other known fact is the same amount of water that is within and on the earth today is the same amount that there has ever been.


He put his hand over part of this world, a garden called Eden. This place would be free from all decay. Countless trees were given to Man to eat of, except one in the center of the garden. He was told not to partake of this tree for it would separate him from the Lord. This would be disobedience and would make Man accessible to Satan.


He made man perfect and full of inquisitive nature, to question all that he sees. Man is given the task of naming the countless animals, as they are the reflections of heavenly beings and had a oneness with them. This allowed man to truly see them as the Lord sees them.


Today we have documented many cases of the paranormal psychic phenomena. Still yet unexplained but it is known that some human beings display additional senses. Be it the ability to see distance places, people or things. These abilities have played important roles in past US wars, and in law enforcement.


After seeing all the beings, the Lord had created he sees none like himself, which causes a loneliness to rise within him. You see God the Father has always had God the Son and they have shared the same Spirit from the beginning.

So as Man slept the Lord created Woman for Man. Immediately Man was enchanted by Woman. She was the missing part he had been seeing throughout creation. She is woman, yes another perfect creation.


Woman was created as man’s companion this was her calling. She is to be obedient to man in the same way as the Son is obedient the Father. Satan began his plight to overcome these two youthful spirits, and the woman being weaker, now holds mans allure. Woman was compelled by the beauty of the snake for it was the most beautifully creature in all the garden. Animals talked to man in the garden, it was common, from the beginning. Satan used the snake as his given ability to move through the physical world (Earth), he talks to Eve, this innocent soul.


Eve is approached many times by Satan, I can not believe she falls it the first attempt. None the less it does happen she partakes of the tree of good and evil, she is the first to disobey. It was like a drug to her, one that took her to many places. She seen nothing but beauty and could not understand why Adam had said she should not taste of this plant. I'm sure she had only tasted it once and in the years to come would explain her thoughts of it to him. Adam loves her with all that he is, Yet he is a Man and he must obey the Lord. He talks with her in great detail, of things that he has no idea the source, nor it's end. Man is in love with her. Man fails the Lord, he goes and chooses his heart over his spirit. He does not receive the same thoughts as Eve. His thoughts are enough to drive the strongest man Mad. The Lord strips away approximately 90% of his thought capability to protect him form himself.


The Garden is now closed by a burning sword. Man is now left to face nature. Nature is the Lords machine of creation. Adam now has death and decay to contend with. This death and decay is greatly reduced by the wall of water that is protecting the earth. This great reduction in aging allowed Man to live as long as 969 years.


[Genesis 5:27] Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.


The life span of all creatures before the flood was far greater than we measure it today. This lengthened life span created great beast that roamed the earth, the reptiles. It is a known by fact that reptiles never stop growing until death. These were the reptiles we call dinosaurs today.


Man can no longer talk to the animals as he could before. The Lord has lifted his hand. Adam, even with Eve and all of his children, is lonely. The fact he must learn to build a fire, is a man with a lot on his mind. Adam still talks with the Lord, yet in a difference sense. He must seek the Lord in order to find him. Sin yet again enters his house within his son Cain.


Please Note, the Bible does Not say he went to the land of Nod and found a Wife there. He only conceived a son in the land of Nod.


[Genesis 4:16-17] So Cain went out from The Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.


His children began to roam the earth. They were conceived through man, Gods own creation and so his children are also accountable unto the Lord.


An easy experiment to produce water from air is to simply place a clear lid over a bucket. Then set the bucket in a partially lit area, but not in direct sunlight. This produces due, water from air. This same experiment works in direct sunlight as well. With the exception of a clear glass compartment which is filled with water and placed on top of the bucket.

It was said to have never rained, there was no need for rain. Lakes would rise and fall in a day. Due, fresh water would form on the ground in great amounts. The Land, although unknown to the people who lived on it, was one form, one piece. North was magnetic North, and the earth rotated in perfect harmony to our solar system.

Why some Species became Extinct:


First look at man he only sees what is within his vision. Man had no idea that by killing the species that was the easiest to catch only existed were he lived. He only did so too feed his family. Noble yet he is shorting the time to his end. In this world full of hardship and pain it was easy to forget the Lord. The generations of Adam were now reduced to one Man. Noah.


Noah searched for the Lord despite the hardships around him. Noah Heard the Lord many times, yet he did not understand what the Lord was telling Him. After many heart felt meetings with the Lord, he finally understands. The Lord said Build me a boat.


[Genesis 6:14-16] So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long (137 meters), 75 feet (23 meters) wide and 45 feet (14 meters) high. Make a roof for it and finish the ark to within 18 inches (46 centimeters) of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.


Understand that a Boat was a thing completely unknown. There was no need for such a thing! Man wants to see a need in his cardinal mind in order find a reason why. Lucky for us he does build it. A true monument to engineering, Noah was not a simple man nor are any of his. He was a good woodsman, a thinker, a man well trusted, and a very good friend. He builds this huge thing to the amazement of his friends. After a time, amazement turns to foolishness, and the friends he held close now mock him. He does not stop for he has heard the Lord and the Lord has made it clear to him. It's now complete after many years. He waits as the Lord has told him. He is told all things will become clear, all too clear. Animals began to convey on the ark. Only two each creature male and female. Noah begins to fully realize what the Lord had said. In the way of reptiles only the youngest found their way to the ark. This was to be the end of the dinosaur that roamed the land.

The Sky opens up. The water which once protected all living things from the suns rays of UV radiation, is tearing apart the earth. Great oceans were created in 40 days. The force of such waves of water would pound bone into rock, then ripping the rock apart. This forces the earth to spin at a great rate. This spinning slings many animals, plants and people, along with oceans of water to the poles. The water freezes, and helps the Land to emerge. The Land is now separated, and continues for some time after the rains have stopped. Days, weeks, months, pass and still no Land. Finally land is found, and the Lord places the ark on its highest peak. Noah begins the task of rebuilding. In the early years I see great sorrow in his eyes. Although the water had wash away much of the life on the earth, many of their bones still laid on the ground, and in the trees. Bones of animals, and of Man. Man’s life span is now reduced to 120 years.


[Genesis 6:3] Then The Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."


The Earth has mass, just like every other solid object does (including you). It is the Earth's mass that causes it to have gravity. The less mass the earth has the less gravity it has. The Earth is losing 0.000000000000001%every year.


The Moon is moving farther away from the Earth, at 3.8cm per year.

If the Earth and Moon 4.51 billion years old.


3.8cm * 4.51 Billion years would make the Moon 171,380km Closer to the Earth than today.


Today the Moon's Orbit is 385,000km

If the Earth is 4.51 Billion years old

the Moon's Orbit then wouid be 213,620 km




May The Lord bless us all,

as he catches us when we fall


Before the beginning there was the Lord, for this is as far as we can see. There was a harmony in heaven and all are blessed. The Lord gives out talents to his angels, each to his own measure. One grew greatly with the talents given, the one with the most of the whole Kingdom. He perfected these many talents and was a master of them. He was the finest of all the angels, his name was Lucifer, the bull.


The other angels spoke to him saying, “You are a most beautiful being”, “It is You with the most talents of all the Kingdom”, “You are an amazing creature”. Over time Lucifer replies, “Yes, Yes I Am”.

Lucifer starts to dwell on his own reflection, from the admiration of the other angels. This is a new ‘something’ within the Kingdom of Heaven. Yes the Lord is aware of it, He sees it and watches Lucifer to understand it. Lucifer begins to become self serving. Arrogates takes seed.


He rallies his admires, with his dancing, his beauty, and his glow. The numbers are countless, and they rise too one third of the Kingdom. The Lord is subtle, ever watching. For He, The LORD, has no need to prove anything.

As Lucifer looks over this vast congregation of followers, all looking at him. He feels a power of command. Now he shouts from his conceded, self serving, arrogates “No one is Greater than me”.


The Lord is all love, and loves Lucifer. The Lord knows this blindness of Lucifer is the product of his own disillusion, his own glory, his own decision. He allows him to continue among the heavenly kingdom. Forgiveness is on the Lords heart, yet he concludes that forgiveness cannot be given for he would never repent. How perplexing he has become, The Lord knows where this will go. He will challenge the power of The Lord.


The Lord, wonders how this could have came to be. Was it a flaw in creation? Lucifer was created perfect as were all the angels, and it was good. Was it because he was created piece by piece and not as a whole? Yet should have he been created as a whole his rebellion could have been worse. Was it the mold from which he was formed? This must be understood. A being must be created to resolve this dilemma and the being must be created as a whole.


The Lord knows He is the beginning, the first, and the definition of perfection. The only mold perfect enough to create a being in whole, is His own. This new being would be His child, made from his own Image. He says, I would be their Father and instruct them from youth. He knows His own image, His own child would follow His guidance, His instructions! Yet, would His own image be susceptible to this cancer? The Lord creates a plan to fully understand this question.

He forms a physical ream, a time limited environment, out of wood, hay and stubble. This ream is as vast as heaven, these are the stars and planets we know today.


For Lucifer’s rebellion against The Lord, he was given a new name, that name is Satan. He and all his followers were cast out from the presents of the Lord. This separation from the Lord disfigured them all, into horrid forms. Their disobedience had become sin.


[Isaiah 14:12-14] All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you. How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.


The Lord will always be, His eternal Holy Spirit will always be. All spiritually created beings are also eternal. The only punishment for sin is spiritual death. The Lord in his infinite grace held back his judgment and confined Satan to Earth. Within Earth The Lord creates a place one part paradise, one part carnal and the other void of all His light, utter darkness, and completely hidden from the Kingdom of Heaven. That place is called Sheol.


[Genesis 1:16] God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.


The Lord molded this Earth as a reflection of Heaven. The plants and the animals are also a reflection of Heaven, and lastly Man as a reflection of Himself. In this way the Lord can explain all things to man.

He gave earth an atmosphere filled with miles of water to protect all life from the harmful rays of its sun. Making an ocean in the sky.


[Genesis 1:7] So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so.


Water blocks approximately 90% of ultra-violet (UV) radiation from the sun. This harmful UV radiation causes skin cancer and damages vegetation, among other things. One other known fact is the same amount of water that is within and on the earth today is the same amount that there has ever been.


He put his hand over part of this world, a garden called Eden. This place would be free from all decay. Countless trees were given to Man to eat of, except one in the center of the garden. He was told not to partake of this tree for it would separate him from the Lord. This would be disobedience and would make Man accessible to Satan.


He made man perfect and full of inquisitive nature, to question all that he sees. Man is given the task of naming the countless animals, as they are the reflections of heavenly beings and had a oneness with them. This allowed man to truly see them as the Lord sees them.


Today we have documented many cases of the paranormal psychic phenomena. Still yet unexplained but it is known that some human beings display additional senses. Be it the ability to see distance places, people or things. These abilities have played important roles in past US wars, and in law enforcement.


After seeing all the beings, the Lord had created he sees none like himself, which causes a loneliness to rise within him. You see God the Father has always had God the Son and they have shared the same Spirit from the beginning.

So as Man slept the Lord created Woman for Man. Immediately Man was enchanted by Woman. She was the missing part he had been seeing throughout creation. She is woman, yes another perfect creation.


Woman was created as man’s companion this was her calling. She is to be obedient to man in the same way as the Son is obedient the Father. Satan began his plight to overcome these two youthful spirits, and the woman being weaker, now holds mans allure. Woman was compelled by the beauty of the snake for it was the most beautifully creature in all the garden. Animals talked to man in the garden, it was common, from the beginning. Satan used the snake as his given ability to move through the physical world (Earth), he talks to Eve, this innocent soul.


Eve is approached many times by Satan, I can not believe she falls it the first attempt. None the less it does happen she partakes of the tree of good and evil, she is the first to disobey. It was like a drug to her, one that took her to many places. She seen nothing but beauty and could not understand why Adam had said she should not taste of this plant. I'm sure she had only tasted it once and in the years to come would explain her thoughts of it to him. Adam loves her with all that he is, Yet he is a Man and he must obey the Lord. He talks with her in great detail, of things that he has no idea the source, nor it's end. Man is in love with her. Man fails the Lord, he goes and chooses his heart over his spirit. He does not receive the same thoughts as Eve. His thoughts are enough to drive the strongest man Mad. The Lord strips away approximately 90% of his thought capability to protect him form himself.


The Garden is now closed by a burning sword. Man is now left to face nature. Nature is the Lords machine of creation. Adam now has death and decay to contend with. This death and decay is greatly reduced by the wall of water that is protecting the earth. This great reduction in aging allowed Man to live as long as 969 years.


[Genesis 5:27] Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.


The life span of all creatures before the flood was far greater than we measure it today. This lengthened life span created great beast that roamed the earth, the reptiles. It is a known by fact that reptiles never stop growing until death. These were the reptiles we call dinosaurs today.


Man can no longer talk to the animals as he could before. The Lord has lifted his hand. Adam, even with Eve and all of his children, is lonely. The fact he must learn to build a fire, is a man with a lot on his mind. Adam still talks with the Lord, yet in a difference sense. He must seek the Lord in order to find him. Sin yet again enters his house within his son Cain.


Please Note, the Bible does Not say he went to the land of Nod and found a Wife there. He only conceived a son in the land of Nod.


[Genesis 4:16-17] So Cain went out from The Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.


His children began to roam the earth. They were conceived through man, Gods own creation and so his children are also accountable unto the Lord.


An easy experiment to produce water from air is to simply place a clear lid over a bucket. Then set the bucket in a partially lit area, but not in direct sunlight. This produces due, water from air. This same experiment works in direct sunlight as well. With the exception of a clear glass compartment which is filled with water and placed on top of the bucket.

It was said to have never rained, there was no need for rain. Lakes would rise and fall in a day. Due, fresh water would form on the ground in great amounts. The Land, although unknown to the people who lived on it, was one form, one piece. North was magnetic North, and the earth rotated in perfect harmony to our solar system.

Why some Species became Extinct:


First look at man he only sees what is within his vision. Man had no idea that by killing the species that was the easiest to catch only existed were he lived. He only did so too feed his family. Noble yet he is shorting the time to his end. In this world full of hardship and pain it was easy to forget the Lord. The generations of Adam were now reduced to one Man. Noah.


Noah searched for the Lord despite the hardships around him. Noah Heard the Lord many times, yet he did not understand what the Lord was telling Him. After many heart felt meetings with the Lord, he finally understands. The Lord said Build me a boat.


[Genesis 6:14-16] So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long (137 meters), 75 feet (23 meters) wide and 45 feet (14 meters) high. Make a roof for it and finish the ark to within 18 inches (46 centimeters) of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.


Understand that a Boat was a thing completely unknown. There was no need for such a thing! Man wants to see a need in his cardinal mind in order find a reason why. Lucky for us he does build it. A true monument to engineering, Noah was not a simple man nor are any of his. He was a good woodsman, a thinker, a man well trusted, and a very good friend. He builds this huge thing to the amazement of his friends. After a time, amazement turns to foolishness, and the friends he held close now mock him. He does not stop for he has heard the Lord and the Lord has made it clear to him. It's now complete after many years. He waits as the Lord has told him. He is told all things will become clear, all too clear. Animals began to convey on the ark. Only two each creature male and female. Noah begins to fully realize what the Lord had said. In the way of reptiles only the youngest found their way to the ark. This was to be the end of the dinosaur that roamed the land.

The Sky opens up. The water which once protected all living things from the suns rays of UV radiation, is tearing apart the earth. Great oceans were created in 40 days. The force of such waves of water would pound bone into rock, then ripping the rock apart. This forces the earth to spin at a great rate. This spinning slings many animals, plants and people, along with oceans of water to the poles. The water freezes, and helps the Land to emerge. The Land is now separated, and continues for some time after the rains have stopped. Days, weeks, months, pass and still no Land. Finally land is found, and the Lord places the ark on its highest peak. Noah begins the task of rebuilding. In the early years I see great sorrow in his eyes. Although the water had wash away much of the life on the earth, many of their bones still laid on the ground, and in the trees. Bones of animals, and of Man. Man’s life span is now reduced to 120 years.


[Genesis 6:3] Then The Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."


The Earth has mass, just like every other solid object does (including you). It is the Earth's mass that causes it to have gravity. The less mass the earth has the less gravity it has. The Earth is losing 0.000000000000001%every year.


The Moon is moving farther away from the Earth, at 3.8cm per year.

If the Earth and Moon 4.51 billion years old.


3.8cm * 4.51 Billion years would make the Moon 171,380km Closer to the Earth than today.


Today the Moon's Orbit is 385,000km

If the Earth is 4.51 Billion years old

the Moon's Orbit then wouid be 213,620 km


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